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Understand the types of negative pressure fans

The negative pressure fan, which is a kind of negative pressure fan, is the same as the ordinary negative pressure fan in the main function, and it plays the role of ventilation and cooling. There are certain differences in terms of materials and types. So below, let's take a detailed look at it so that we can make a good distinction.

FRP negative pressure fan, a kind of negative pressure fan, is made of glass fiber reinforced plastic with corrosion resistance in raw materials. Therefore, it is called a FRP negative pressure fan. From the point of view of properties, it belongs to the axial flow fan, and it is in the large category of ventilation equipment.

1. Working principle of FRP negative pressure fan
The working principle of the FRP negative pressure fan is specifically: the use of negative pressure to replace the air, that is, the ventilation operation, so that the inside and outside air flows, thereby achieving the purpose of ventilation and cooling. Also, it is also known that this type of fan has no refrigeration.

2. The main advantages of FRP negative pressure fan
For the FRP negative pressure fan, its main advantage is that it has good corrosion resistance and can achieve high air volume. In addition, the negative pressure fan can achieve three lows during operation, namely low speed, low noise and low energy consumption.

3. Application and classification of FRP negative pressure fan
FRP negative pressure fan, its application range is mainly in the ventilation of factory buildings, as well as the ventilation of some workshops with high temperature or odor. In addition, for corrosive environments, it is also possible to use a FRP negative pressure fan for ventilation.

The types of types of FRP negative pressure fans are different according to different classification criteria. If divided according to its appearance, the FRP negative pressure fan can be divided into two types: a trumpet-shaped FRP negative pressure fan and a square FRP negative pressure fan. According to the transmission method, there are two types of belt type and straight type. Therefore, we can also subdivide the FRP negative pressure fan.

How to increase the amount of air change in the air cooler

In the use of air coolers, ventilation efficiency is crucial. It not only affects the use of the entire air cooler, but also affects the cost of using the air cooler. It directly brings people's economic costs to float, so it wants to be effective. When using a cooling fan and reducing the cost of using the cooling fan, it is necessary to improve the ventilation effect of the cooling fan and improve the ventilation efficiency of the cooling fan as much as possible, so that the cooling fan can work better. Let's share with you how to improve the efficiency of the air change.

For chillers, the convexity of the baffles is directly related to the efficiency of the chillers. Comprehensive consideration, because the convexity of the partition causes the flow field to be very irregular, which will affect the effect of the wind change, then the user needs to change the shape of the air change partition, starting from the convex cross section, so that the flow field There is a vortex in the full flow without losing it, which is an effective way.

According to the requirements of air exchange volume, the top of the wind-exchanged baffle is divided into sizes, and the layout can be imagined according to its shape. If it is calculated on the resin and found to be inconsistent with the flow law, or the air exchange volume is incorrect, then we can By adjusting the height of the partition, a reasonable prevention is finally achieved. The resin should be judged from an objective angle. The structural flow rate of the air change is usually 13.577kg/about 30% of the total flow, and its efficiency can account for Eighty percent.

The structure of the air-cooling fan will cause great fluidity, which is related to the use effect of the relevant stage. Once the axial uniformity and radial uniformity of the flow field are destroyed, it will arouse the change of stall and other strong unsteadiness. The phenomenon of flow will directly affect the safety of the parts.

It can be seen that in addition to the influence of these factors, the use efficiency of the chiller requires a detailed understanding of the type and model of the chiller. Different types of chillers are not used to improve the efficiency of the chiller. To the same extent, this requires the user to identify and use, in order to choose an appropriate method to help users improve the overall efficiency of the cooling fan.