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How do industrial chillers choose the right evaporator?

1. The tank immersed evaporator is used in the open circulation system of non-volatile coolant. This type of evaporator is the only preferred type for a production process in which ice is made from salt water. For chiller refrigeration systems that cool or freeze bagged food in brine and concentrated spray air conditioning, tank immersed evaporators can also be used. Yuyao air cooler, Cixi air cooler
2. The corrosion of ferrous metals by salt water is very strong, and its corrosion is more severe when it comes into contact with air. Therefore, as far as the production process permits, closed loops should be used as much as possible. For volatile refrigerant circulation systems, a closed cycle must be used. In both cases, the use of a horizontal shell and tube evaporator for the chiller is the best choice.
3. When the industrial chiller adopts the water tank immersed or shell-and-tube evaporator, the working temperature of the brine should be about 5 °C higher than the refrigerant evaporator temperature, and the freezing point of the brine should be lower than the refrigerant evaporation temperature. ~ 8 ° C (5 ~ 6 ° C for the tank immersed evaporator, 6 ~ 8 ° C for the shell and tube evaporator).
4, the choice of cooling pipe and cooling fan: For the cold storage, the cooling fan is usually used to increase the cooling temperature. For the freezing of the small cold storage, the shelf type pipe or the wall pipe plus the top pipe can be used. For the cold storage to prevent the air from drying, the wall pipe or the top pipe is usually used. If there is no cold storage problem, the air cooler is generally used.
5. For the evaporator of industrial chillers with lower evaporation temperature, attention should be paid to the influence of the height of the refrigerant liquid column on the evaporation temperature of the chiller. The lower the evaporation temperature, the greater the influence of the liquid column. Therefore, certain measures should be taken to reduce the height of the liquid column in the evaporator.

The main performance of the water cooling fan

The water-cooled fan, also known as the evaporative cooling ventilator, is a high-tech product designed by Australian air-conditioning experts for many years. It adopts high-efficiency "direct evaporative" refrigeration technology. The principle is based on the absorption of thermal energy by water during evaporation, that is, the sensible heat of the air is absorbed under the condition of constant enthalpy, so that the air temperature (dry bulb temperature) is lowered. . The working process is: when the fresh air passes through the core component of the water-cooling fan-interlaced air heat exchanger, the water whose temperature is equal to the temperature of the air wet bulb is in direct contact with the fresh air, generating heat exchange and filtering out the dust in the air. The air is cooled by the isothermal change and the temperature eventually drops to near the wet bulb temperature.

In the dry and hot environment in summer, the dry/wet bulb temperature is quite different, and the cooling effect is relatively good. The outdoor fresh air is filtered by the water-cooling fan and cooled down, and then continuously sent into the room, and the turbid air with high odor, dust and high temperature is discharged outside the room. After such continuous circulation, the indoor temperature is reduced, and the air contains Both oxygen and mass are relatively stable. Therefore, the water-cooled fan can achieve the dual effects of cooling and ventilation, while creating a fresh and comfortable environment.

Because of the following advantages of its products, it is more and more recognized by people and used.
1. Low investment and high efficiency: Compared with water-cooled fans installed in the same area, water-cooled fans are 1/2 of the total investment in air-conditioning.

2. Less power consumption, only one degree of electricity per hour: Compared with water-cooled fans installed in the same area, the power consumption is only about 1/9 of that of conventional air conditioners.

3, the cooling effect is particularly strong: in the southern region, the water cooling fan unit can generally achieve a cooling effect of 5 ~ 10 ° C, in the hot and dry area unit cooling can reach 5 ~ 15 ° C, and rapid cooling.

4, good air quality: water-cooled fan set ventilation, ventilation, purification, odor, cooling in one, increase air oxygen content, improve work efficiency. The new wind positive pressure operation filters out dust below 80% micron in the air to remove harmful gases and effectively prevent "air conditioning disease".

5. Adjust humidity: Adjust the humidity in the workplace where humidity is needed.

6. Convenient installation and maintenance: The water-cooled fan can be installed along the facade of the external wall. It is beautifully installed, does not occupy indoor space, requires no professional maintenance, and saves maintenance costs.

7. Wide range of use: It is widely used in crowded places, production places with heat-generating equipment or high-temperature heat sources, places with polluting gas, strong odor or dust, and places with high air quality requirements.

Common technical problems of moving cold air fans

(1) Is the use of mobile chillers complicated?
The mobile chiller does not need to be installed as a conventional chiller. You can use it after you buy it back and open the package and plug it in with water. It is simpler than using a fan.
(2) Does the mobile chiller have a very humid air outlet, will it affect the appliance?
The air humidity of the mobile chiller is related to the ambient temperature and humidity. Under normal circumstances, the humidity of the air outlet is about 60%. The farther away the humidity is, the lower the humidity is. The humidity in the general rainy day is more than 90%. You can compare it. Has no effect on the electrical appliances.
(3) Does the mobile chiller need indoor sealing to cool down?
The mobile chiller does not need to close the doors and windows when it is used. The mobile chiller processes the outdoor air into a cool fresh air and continuously transports it indoors. At the same time, the sweltering air is driven out of the room, which is a large cycle inside and outside instead of a closed room. Circulation, so it has the effect of purifying indoor air.
(4) How do you use a lot of workshop people?
Such a place can best reflect the advantages of a mobile chiller. Wherever someone puts one, it is good, as long as the wind can be sent to the place where you can feel cool.
(5) How to use it outdoors without any room or space?
You can refer to the usage of the fan, whether it is placed outdoors or not, but the fan can only blow the natural wind, while the mobile chiller blows the cold air.
(6) Does the mobile chiller require water? Do you need to add ice?
There is no special requirement for water. As long as it is clean, it is OK to add no ice. If it is added, the cooling effect will be better.
(7) How long does it take to add water?
How long can the water tank be filled with water in close contact with the ambient temperature and humidity? If it is fast, it will be 2-3 hours. If it is slow, it will be used up for 7-8 hours. The higher the ambient temperature, the lower the humidity and the faster it is used. The faster the cooling effect, the better. If the water source is convenient, you can connect the water pipe. If there is less water, it will be added automatically, so you don't need to add water manually.

How to store the air cooler

The chillers we use are generally suitable for 70 to 100 rooms, and the room cooling effect is not obvious.
Before using the chiller, check the chiller's wet curtain for foreign matter, such as shredded paper dust. The chiller should be cleaned once or twice a year at the time of use. The water in the air cooler pool must be made of tap water or clean water to ensure smooth curtains and pipes.
The fan of the air cooler is the focus of the entire air cooler. As the heart of the entire chiller, if there is a sudden failure, the chiller power switch should be cut off as quickly as possible. Ask the professional to repair the chiller. Pay attention to the wiring when installing the air cooler to ensure our own safety. When disassembling the impeller, pay attention to avoid the deformation of the middle wheel caused by the collision between the middle wheel and the box.
If the wet curtain water supply is uneven, it is necessary to check whether the water in the pool is sufficient, whether the water pump of the air cooler can still be operated, and whether the small hole of the water supply pipe of the air cooler is blocked by foreign matter.
An air cooler is a mechanical device of low pressure. Therefore, the cooling fan can not solve the problem of air supply by the traditional method.
The circuit of the fan and water pump of the air cooler is preferably centrally controlled, and the switch for controlling the air cooler should be placed in the room.
After installing the air cooler, cover the air cooler box cover to avoid the wind blowing the cover. Cixi air cooler
When the weather is cold, when the air cooler is not in use, drain the water in the chiller pool, then wrap it in plastic to avoid sand dust.