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The frequent occurrence of industrial production cooling fan failures is due to the following points

Energy saving and environmentally friendly air conditioners (evaporative air conditioners, water-cooled central air conditioners) may have a longer lifespan and a good cooling effect in the factory, as long as the maintenance method is appropriate. What are the reasons for the frequent occurrence of industrial production fan failures? How should everyone maintain and maintain it?
1. If there is significant environmental pollution around the air conditioning unit, it is recommended to clean the server once or twice a day to ensure that the air conditioning unit is fresh and tidy. It is recommended to use fully automatic function mode for operation.
2. After six months of operation of the unit, the basin and its evaporative substances should be cleaned once, and the pressure during cleaning should not be too high to prevent damage to the cooling water curtain.
3. When stopping use for a long time, in order to avoid damage to the human body and mosquito growth caused by freezing and cleaning, the water inlet valve of the drinking water equipment should be turned off, and the unit should be called into the cleaning method. The remaining water in the water storage tank basin should be drained. When shutting down, the server needs to be tightly covered with a soil net and clamped to prevent residual flowers from blocking the evaporation of substances in the late winter wind and sand.
4. When repairing the air conditioning unit, be sure to turn off the power supply of the control cabinet. Maintenance workers should hang maintenance signs inside the unit to prohibit turning on the power supply.
5. When the unit of the air cooler trips due to a fault, it must first clear the fault and then press and hold the air leakage switch.
6. The first time using it, there is a smell of wood residue, which dissipates after 24 hours of persistent use.
7. Rainproof blinds cannot withstand force, and it is prohibited to use the blinds as support points and move them by hand during use or under this premise.
8. Memory rechargeable batteries need to be carefully replaced after 2 years.
9. The server base should be treated with anti-corrosion and rust prevention measures in 2 years, preferably painted. Regular safety checks should be conducted on the robustness of the main frame every year.

What should air conditioning fan manufacturers pay attention to when selecting materials for product

The total number of air conditioning fan manufacturers in the market is increasing, and air conditioning fans are used by many manufacturers in Ningbo. Regarding the selection of production materials for air conditioning fans, what must manufacturers pay attention to
1. Pay attention to quality
When selecting materials for the production of air conditioning fans, manufacturers should pay attention to quality assurance, which is very necessary. They should pay attention to the requirements in terms of quality and performance, and must ensure that the production function meets the requirements.
2. Pay attention to the actual effect
Regarding the selection of materials for the production of air conditioning fans, the air conditioning fan manufacturer must pay attention to the actual effect, and pay attention to achieving the actual effect requirements. Ensuring the quality of air conditioning fans and meeting the requirements in use play a very important role.
3. Pay attention to the price
The requirements of air conditioning fan manufacturers in terms of production materials should also be considered in terms of price, and price assurance should be paid attention to. It is necessary to ensure the quality of the air conditioning fan in order to ensure its effectiveness and meet the requirements for the use of the air conditioning fan.
Overall, air conditioning fan manufacturers should pay attention to the selection of production materials to ensure the quality of the air conditioning fan and meet the requirements for use.

Why does the cooling effect of industrial air coolers differ when used?

When it comes to industrial air conditioners, there are countless manufacturers in China that produce and manufacture them. However, with different manufacturers and their materials, the cooling effect of industrial air conditioners also varies. Let's have a professional manufacturer talk to you, why are all industrial air conditioners, but the results are too different?
Why does the cooling effect of industrial air coolers differ when used? The selection of product materials is very important, but in fact, it is the quality of the product. After all, there is a significant difference between ships made of paper and those made of wooden boards. Independently developed low vibration, corrosion-resistant all cable copper wire motors, which operate more stably and have a very low equipment failure rate; Independently researched and developed integrated bow blade blade forward swept fan blades, with no wrinkles or cracks in fan blade pressure, long service life, and large exhaust air volume; Carefully using a sturdy PP environmentally friendly equipment engineering plastic shell, a brand new and upgraded unique environmentally friendly equipment engineering anti-aging plastic with good flexibility, anti-aging, and UV protection. The normal service life can reach 10 years or more, and good products naturally have good effects.
Of course, everyone must not forget, and the most important thing is that well-known brands, such as industrial air coolers, are very important. As well-known brands not only represent high quality, but also provide high service, it is inevitable that machine equipment products will encounter some small problems, so after-sales maintenance service is also particularly important

What are the precautions for environmentally friendly air conditioning?

Before using a wet curtain air conditioner, everyone needs to check whether there is any dust or other dirt in the water storage tank. It should be cleaned 1-2 times during the annual usage period, and the water in the tank should be domestic water or other clean water.
1. The centrifugal fan is a wet curtain cooling fan with a cardiovascular system. If there is any abnormality, it needs to be immediately powered off and repaired by an electrician. When assembling, it is necessary to pay attention to connecting the wire connectors properly. When disassembling the fan impeller, care should be taken to prevent deformation of the blades and collision with the casing.
If the control of the cable float switch of the wet curtain cooling fan is ineffective and there is insufficient water or overflow leakage in the pool, it should be corrected and replaced in a timely manner.
3. If the cooling water curtain power supply system is found to be insufficient or uneven, it is necessary to check whether there is insufficient water in the pool, whether the water pump is operating, and whether the water supply pipeline and water pump inlet position, especially the small holes on the water spray pipe head, are blocked. Also, check whether the water spray pipe head is located in the middle of the cooling water curtain. The normal absolute height of watering should exceed 80mm.
4. Due to the fact that the centrifugal fan of the wet curtain cooling fan is low-pressure (with low negative pressure and air pressure), it is not possible to use the method of adding pipes from the ventilation hole of the cooling fan to remotely exhaust the system.
5. The centrifugal fan and water pump circuit of the wet curtain cooling fan should be equipped with an intelligent control system, and the control circuit should be installed in the house.
6. In winter, when the environmentally friendly air conditioner and air cooler are not in use, the pool water should be added clean and the outer shell should be bound with film or fabric to prevent wind and sand from entering the house.
Solution to odor
The first major factor is mainly due to the failure of environmentally friendly air conditioners to be cleaned on time, and the second is due to water quality causing mold. Because when using environmentally friendly air conditioners for a long time, dust accumulates on the filter screen, which can emit a strange odor.
After using environmentally friendly air conditioners for a period of time, dust will accumulate on the filter screens and copper sheets inside. Excessive dust can lead to a foul odor, seriously affecting air quality and air volume.
8. Since the environmental friendly air conditioner often has some internal moisture after refrigeration, the environmental friendly air conditioner that is not dry and practical for removing odor will soon become slower after it is turned off, so the internal moisture will always be inside, and after a long time, there will be Aspergillus flavus and odor.