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The difference between industrial air coolers and air conditioners

The difference between industrial air coolers and air conditioners is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. The job is different: Industrial air coolers are a type of mechanical equipment that extracts outdoor strong cold air and sends it into a room through a centrifugal fan, reducing the temperature inside the room. And emptiness is a type of mechanical equipment that uses refrigerant to cycle through, digest and absorb the heat generated in the room, and then exhaust it outdoors to achieve cooling.
2. The actual cooling effect is different: The cooling effect of industrial air coolers is mainly reflected in the interior of the room, such as reducing the temperature of workshop equipment after operation or reducing the temperature used by production line workers, while air conditioners have various practical effects such as cooling, dehumidification, and air purification, which can effectively improve all indoor air.
3. Energy consumption and usage costs are different: Industrial production air conditioners generally have lower power and lower application and maintenance costs, while air conditioning machinery and equipment generally have higher output power and higher application and maintenance costs.
4. Different locations of use: Industrial air conditioners are generally used in indoor spaces such as building landscaping, host rooms, workshops, etc., while air conditioning is suitable for various indoor space designs, such as company offices, homes, large shopping malls, etc.

Precautions for installing negative pressure fans!

Precautions for installation of negative pressure fan! Negative pressure fans are currently common ventilation and cooling equipment in factories, and their installation is a crucial engineering project. The effectiveness of future use is greatly affected, and it is essential to always pay attention to the entire process of installing negative pressure fans in Ningbo.
1、 Before installing the negative pressure fan:
1. It is necessary to carefully check whether the centrifugal fan is intact, whether the anchor bolts of each standard component are complete and effective, whether the components are loose or detached, whether the fan impeller has hit the motor, and carefully check whether the fan blades have been impacted and deformed during transportation.
2. It is necessary to first check whether the installation area is large enough to meet the installation specifications of the negative pressure fan, and then check whether the strength fixing screws in the installation area meet the installation hole spacing size of the negative pressure fan in Ningbo.
2、 When installing negative pressure fans:
1. Pay attention to the horizontal and vertical parts of the negative pressure fan bracket, adjust it to be level and firm with the wall surface, and make sure that the support bracket is level and firm with the ground foundation plane. If necessary, install angle steel next to the negative pressure fan for structural reinforcement. After installation, the motor should not be tilted. During installation, the lowest point of the negative pressure fan blades shall not be lower than 2.3m on the road surface.
2. When selecting a natural environment for the installation of negative pressure fans, it is necessary to note that there should be no particularly large obstacles within 2.5-3 meters directly opposite the inlet and outlet of the negative pressure fan. To avoid affecting the ventilation efficiency of the negative pressure fan. After the installation of the negative pressure fan, it is necessary to check the airtightness around it. If there is a gap, durability plates or structural adhesive can be used to solve the sealing problem.
3、 After the installation of the negative pressure fan is completed:
1. Check the internal structure of the negative pressure fan for any remaining tool dirt. Rotate the fan blades with your hands to check for tightness or friction, and to see if there are any objects that hinder rotation without any abnormalities. After checking that there are no problems, you can proceed with the plug-in test run.
2. When debugging, immediately separate the power switch after covering it, identify if it is flipping, and check if there are any abnormalities during operation. If there is a flipping condition, switch to two line positions and make adjustments at will. After adjusting the positive and negative directions, turn on the centrifugal fan again and observe if there are any abnormalities. Any slight abnormal noise, excessive noise, and vibration are the main manifestations of problems with the centrifugal fan. It should be stopped and debugged again after finding the cause and passing the maintenance acceptance. If a variable frequency controller is configured for application, the power switch of the negative pressure fan should be used normally according to the usage regulations of the frequency converter to avoid causing the service life of the negative pressure fan.
4、 Other common issues with the installation of negative pressure fans:
Nowadays, some companies, in order to save costs, independently hire people to install negative pressure fans. However, there are significant safety factors in this process. After all, not more professional construction teams are not familiar with the system, and they often do not pay attention to some small details during installation, which may lead to accidents. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to find a professional construction team to carry out the installation. If oscillation occurs during operation, or if there is a "buzzing" sound or other abnormal situation in the motor, it should be shut down for inspection. To prevent accidents, it is necessary to seek professional technical personnel to inspect, repair, and replace. After the maintenance is carried out

Low cost of negative pressure fan for ventilation and cooling in factory buildings

We all know that a significant reason for the hot indoor air quality is the stagnant and non circulating indoor air quality. We all know that although fans cannot change the temperature in the air, they can use weak stirring air convection to make people feel cool. In the middle passage of two types of houses, if in the presence of wind, it must be cooler than in a closed industrial workshop where gas does not flow. In fact, negative pressure fans use negative pressure ventilation and air circulation to construct a "cross ventilation" physical system in order to achieve the cooling effect of the workshop.
The negative pressure fan adopts a CAD/CAM design scheme, which has the advantages of low investment cost, large exhaust air volume, low noise, low energy consumption, stable operation, long service life, high efficiency, etc. The blind curtains are fully automatic to prevent pollution, moisture, and have a unique style; It can be used as both a hair dryer and exhaust, making it the best choice for intelligent workshop temperature reduction and natural ventilation. Environmental protection, environmentally friendly negative pressure fans or mainstream cooling systems for factory buildings. Regarding the purchase of negative pressure fans, if an industrial workshop must purchase negative pressure fans, how to budget the total number of multiple negative pressure fans for the application? The corresponding calculation can be based on a formula: number of centrifugal fans=(indoor space volume/air volume per unit) × The frequency of air changes per hour.
The Air changes per hour of the negative pressure fan can also be selected according to the environmental conditions. Generally, 25-30 air changes per hour are required in the environment, 30-40 air changes per hour are required in public places, 40-50 air changes per hour are required in the environmental conditions with certain temperature or dirt (smoke, smell), and about 60 air changes per hour are required in the environmental conditions with continuous high temperature or serious environmental pollution.