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Some features of large industrial air cooler!

What are the main characteristics and application scope of large industrial air cooler? Large industrial air cooler can not only keep the indoor air clean, clean and hygienic, but also prevent the air from drying. Large industrial air cooler is mainly used in textile, machinery, ceramics, hospitals, waiting rooms, schools and other fields. The following large industrial air cooler Xiaobian to explain the relevant content in detail! The characteristics of large industrial air cooler are mainly divided into the following aspects:
1, large industrial cooling fan large industrial cooling fan fully environmental protection products: large industrial cooling fan is no compressor, no cold coal large industrial cooling fan, non-polluting environmental protection products, large industrial cooling fan is using all outdoor fresh air evaporative cooling principle of cooling and convection and indoor ventilation so as to achieve the aim of indoor ventilation cooling.
2, the operation cost of large industrial air cooler is low: large industrial air cooler can quickly recover the investment: compared with the traditional compressor air conditioner series, the power consumption of large industrial air cooler is only 1/8-1/10.
3, the cooling effect of large industrial air cooler is obvious: large industrial air cooler in the humid southern region, generally can achieve an obvious cooling effect of about 5-9℃; Large industrial air cooler in especially hot and dry areas (such as the north and northwest regions), the cooling range of large industrial air cooler can reach about 10-15℃.
4, large industrial air cooler investment cost is low, does not occupy the building area: compared with the traditional compressor air conditioning system, large industrial air cooler cost is less than half, and large industrial air cooler does not account for any building area.
5. Large industrial air cooler keeps indoor air clean, clean and hygienic: Open doors and Windows to exhaust the air is a major feature of large industrial air cooler, one hundred percent of the fresh air replacement of one hundred large industrial air cooler makes people always in the natural environment, large industrial air cooler will completely discharge the dirty air outdoors, large industrial air cooler completely without the sense of discomfort brought by traditional air conditioning.
6, large industrial air cooler is easy to maintain and install: the system is simple, large industrial air cooler is easy to install and maintain, without professional maintenance personnel.
7, large industrial air cooler to prevent dry air: large industrial air cooler can wet the skin, and has certain benefits to the skin.
8, large industrial air cooler low noise, small vibration: at present in the domestic similar products of the large industrial air cooler in low noise, large industrial air cooler can let us unknowingly get fresh and natural cool air; Large industrial air cooler body itself does not dissipate heat to the periphery.

Application of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler

Large and medium-sized industrial air cooler application [tips] Large and medium-sized industrial air cooler manufacturers explain! Large and medium-sized industrial air coolers are generally used in factories and other locations, especially in summer. Standing on the roadside should also be able to feel the energy of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers. Although the application of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler is very helpful, there are still some problems that need to be paid attention to in the use of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler. Actually can master from six, follow the large and medium-sized industrial air cooler manufacturers to understand. Because of the complex application scenarios (most commonly seen in industrial plants), large and medium-sized industrial air coolers should be maintained to avoid some emergencies destroying the quality of centrifugal fans and harming the operation of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers. There are many small maintenance points for large and medium-sized industrial air coolers, which are summarized as follows:
1, each large and medium-sized industrial air cooler for 70-100 square meters of room temperature reduction. Beyond these values, the actual effect of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers is likely to be less than ideal, which is easy to cause too much work and problems of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers.
2. When large and medium-sized industrial air coolers are used, check whether there is paper debris, dust and other dirt in the wet curtain and the reservoir. Clean it 1-2 times a year.
3. Large and medium-sized industrial air cooler is the cardiovascular of cold fan. If there are common faults, the switching power supply of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers should be cut off immediately and welders should be arranged for immediate maintenance. Attention should be paid to wire joints when installing large and medium-sized industrial air coolers, and care should be taken when disassembling and installing centrifugal impellers of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers to prevent leaf deformation of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers from striking with the shell.
4. If the float switch of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler is ineffective, and it is found that there is less water or overflow water in the pool of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler, it should be corrected and replaced in time.
5, once found that large and medium-sized industrial wet curtain cooling fan power supply is not enough or not divide evenly, inspection of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler storage tank is less water, large and medium-sized industrial cooling fan pump operation, large and medium-sized industrial cooling fan flow pipe and pump channel is blocked, large and medium-sized industrial cooling fan spray nozzle head is located in the middle of the damp curtain. The relative height of normal sprinkling of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler can not be ignored. If the water level is too low, it is very easy to burn large and medium-sized industrial air cooler.
6, large and medium-sized industrial air cooler maintenance, power off, cut off large and medium-sized industrial air cooler switch power supply after a period of time, because the long-term use of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler will release static electricity, electrostatic induction is not easy to fade after power failure, so safety after maintenance. This is also the application of large and medium-sized industrial air cooler should pay attention to the six aspects. Friendship reminds us to be more careful in the use of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers, otherwise it will cause certain harm to their production activities, and may also affect the use period of large and medium-sized industrial air coolers. So that's what we have to watch out for.

Working principle and cooling effect of air cooler

Working principle of air cooler
The cooling principle of the air cooler (evaporative air conditioner) is: When the cold wind during into the cavity to produce negative pressure, make clear wet curtain air through the porous moist surface force of the curtain air dry bulb temperature dropped to close to the outside air wet bulb temperature, the cooling fan export the dry bulb temperature of 12 ℃ lower than outdoor dry bulb temperature of 5 - (dry areas can reach 15 ℃), the dry air, the temperature difference is big, the better the cooling effect. Because the air is always introduced into the room from the outside, (this time called positive pressure system) so it can keep the indoor air fresh; At the same time, because the machine uses the principle of evaporation and cooling, so it has the dual function of cooling and humidifying (relative humidity can reach about 75%), used in textile and knitting workshops, not only can improve the cooling and humidifying conditions, but also can purify the air, reduce the needle breaking rate in the process of knitting, improve the quality of needle textile products.
The air cooler (evaporative air conditioner) is surrounded by a honeycomb wet curtain using special materials, with a large surface area, through the water circulation system to constantly humidify the wet curtain; There is a high efficiency, low noise and energy saving fan in the wet curtain fan. When the fan is running, the negative pressure generated by the wet curtain fan makes the air outside the machine flow through the porous wet curtain into the machine. Because the evaporation of water on the wet curtain absorbs heat, the air through the wet curtain is forced to cool down. At THE SAME TIME, because THE water on the wet curtain evaporates to the air flowing through the wet curtain, increasing the humidity of the air, so the wet curtain cooler has the dual function of cooling and humidifying.

How about the cooling effect of the air cooler
It is understood that the air cooler can not be compared with the capacity of air conditioning refrigeration, but the price is lower. Compared with the price of 10%~20% of air conditioning, the power consumption is only about 2% of air conditioning, so it still attracts the favor of many consumers. In different regions of China, the use effect of air cooler is different, but the cooling effect is better than that of ordinary electric fan, and the reduction is at least 3~8℃. The hotter the weather, the more obvious the cooling effect, the greater the wind, the better the cooling effect.
Energy saving and environmental protection air cooler can bring a kind of fresh air for the workshop and public places of enterprises, as well as commercial entertainment and other places, and can completely reduce the temperature. This kind of product is characterized by no compressor, no refrigerant, no copper pipe, and its main core is evaporative wet curtain. The 1.1KW main motor used by this energy saving device can be said to be one eighth of the power consumption of the traditional central air conditioning, and its power saving effect can be said to be a must for enterprises.