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Advantages of environmental protection air conditioning

Environmental protection air conditioning in the use of no compressor, no freon, using water evaporation cooling, so also called water cooling air conditioning. Environmental protection air conditioning can not only bring cool air cooling, but also can carry on the replacement of indoor air, some industrial workshop in the production process of pollutant and odor, the heat have an adverse effect on human health, environmental protection air conditioning cooling fan can make these harmful air out, receive again into the outdoor fresh air cooled. Environmental protection air conditioning has refrigeration and ventilation mode, can be adjusted according to the specific situation.

Environmental protection air conditioning in addition to ventilation cooling effect is strong, an important feature is to save electricity and energy. And its power consumption is very low compared to traditional air conditioning, environmental air conditioning only needs 1 KWH of electricity to cool 100 to 150 square meters, cooling can reach 4-15 degrees.

Environmental protection air conditioning is much more affordable than traditional air conditioning, the operation cost is very low not only can be convenient to move, but also water can be cooled. And environmental air conditioning is more environmentally friendly than traditional air conditioning. Long-term use will not affect the human body. It's very green.

Environmental protection air conditioning is widely applicable, whether it is densely populated or high temperature places, or poor ventilation places, can play a significant effect of environmental protection air conditioning, such as: factories, livestock farms, stations, Internet cafes, restaurants, stadiums and other places can be designed according to the environment of the corresponding program.

The difference between mobile air cooler and ordinary air cooler

With the development of science and technology, people are increasingly demanding on the quality of life, work environment, because of increasing land prices, many industry bosses workshop area is not big, therefore in the industrial air cooler, found ordinary air cooler simply are not up to standard, so the emergence of the mobile air cooler satisfy people's needs, and hence the rise in the industry!
The difference between mobile air cooler and ordinary air cooler is summarized as follows:
1. From a technical point of view, the power and cooling capacity of mobile air cooler and ordinary air cooler are basically the same. The difference is that the air duct circulation design, the air volume circulation of the ordinary air cooler is aimed at the indoor air circulation, while the mobile air cooler is to reduce the indoor air temperature at the same time, and inhale the fresh outdoor air, to ensure the exchange of indoor air, there will never be "air cooler disease". The air duct design ensures that the indoor temperature does not drop too low. Usually, when the external temperature is 36℃, the indoor temperature is about 28℃, which can reach about 25℃ in local scope. When consumers choose and buy, they should know that the biggest feature of mobile air cooler is that it can be cooled in a local range!
2. Because the mobile air cooler is an integrated air conditioner, the noise is larger than that of the ordinary air conditioner.
The main advantages of mobile air cooler and household air cooler are as follows:
1, the local cooling effect is faster than the ordinary cold air machine, for example: to prevent overheating of computers, instruments and other equipment, you can directly adjust the tuyere to the front direct blowing state, to achieve the cooling effect.
2, do not consider the location of the outdoor unit, as convenient as a fan, plug and play. For example: office building overtime gens, only with exhaust pipe will be hot air to the distance, immediately have a cool space.
3, equipped with vientiane wheel, can be moved to the desired place, more convenient and practical. For example, the guest room and the kitchen can be moved at will.
Mobile air coolers provide irreplaceable convenience for places where outdoor units cannot be installed, and are the best complement to central air conditioning.

What is the difference between air cooler and air conditioner?

The air cooler has no compressor and is not at all related to air conditioning. However, the air cooler and air conditioning collocation is a good combination, the two can learn from each other. The impact of the air cooler on health is that indoor humidity increases.

The principle of the air cooler is very simple, that is, the water on the water curtain is evaporated by the wind blown out by the fan to achieve a very limited cooling effect. This inevitably leads to higher and higher humidity in the air inside the space. The combination of high humidity and high room temperature makes people feel more uncomfortable, and the feeling of sultry heat and humidity is more serious. Some people have said that ice crystals can also be used. Yes, adding ice crystals can cool the tuyere for a short time, but it's almost impossible to cool the room. This is because the storage capacity of ice crystals is very limited, and a small ice crystal can't carry enough cold to compete with the heat in the room. If you put your hand near the air cooler, you will feel cool. If you put your hand near the air conditioner, you will feel cold. That is the difference. Because the use of cold air will lead to an increase in indoor humidity, and air conditioning in the refrigeration will lead to indoor drying, so the use of air cooler and air conditioning is a good choice. One can avoid indoor air is too dry, two can help indoor air conditioning circulation, in the role of the fan can be properly adjusted to high air conditioning temperature, play a power saving effect. In addition, the water in the air cooler must be replaced in time. Because of the working principle, the water quality will deteriorate after a period of time, and it is easy to breed bacteria. Based on this situation, the use of air cooler can play a part in the role of air purification, equivalent to washing air.

Negative pressure fan daily maintenance details

1. When the negative pressure fan produces abnormal sound during operation, it is difficult to judge its cause quickly and correctly, and it must be fully adjusted. Common under: intake pipe suction solid impurities;

When abnormal sound occurs in operation, it is difficult to judge its cause quickly and correctly. Common under: intake pipe suction solid impurities; Negative pressure fan stator and rotating friction; The bearing is abnormal. At this time, the abnormal sound is often accompanied by vibration.

2. Check the vibration and abnormal sound, the cause of severe vibration of negative pressure fan is also difficult to intuitively judge, and it is necessary to pay close attention to and fully check. There are many types of vibration: mechanical vibration of fluid caused by field surge; Negative pressure fan and prime mover alignment is not good vibration; Improper installation of negative pressure fan, abnormal bearing; The vibration of the wheel is intensified by the balance cutting ring during long running. Mechanical vibration caused by contact with the gap or surface between the stator. For the determination of the towing state of the bearing part, see negative pressure fan vibration Detection and its limits.

Bearing temperature measurement is very important to understand the working condition of bearings. It is generally stipulated that the temperature rise of uranium bearing shall not be higher than the ambient temperature. In addition, we should also pay attention to the amount of lubricating oil and its pollution status, whether mud, oil temperature and oil pressure under non-directional conditions. For the negative pressure fan cooled by cooling water, attention should also be paid to the water quantity and temperature of cooling water. For the negative pressure fan with oil ring type oil lubricated bearings, it should also be confirmed whether the oil ring works normally.

4. The inspection of the shaft seal part should often check the leakage condition of the pumping seal part, the clearance or contact between the static part and the shaft, whether there is abnormal, abnormal sound and so on.

5. For other parts of the inspection, pay attention to the air outlet pressure, air intake pressure and abnormal changes. Find abnormal situation in time, whether the air volume, current and so on have been prevented in the end.