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What is the actual cooling effect of the cold air mechanism?

Please check the motor condition when maintaining the air cooler. Do not use the safety wire or other wire with incorrect capacity. In order to ensure the cooling effect, the air is relatively cloudy areas can be considered to install filters.

If the motor does not run through the professional repair inspector may be the motor burned, found that the motor is normal operation of the water pump may be broken, if the drainage valve is not drained to check, if the blade is reversed, it is not cool to reverse the wiring. And so on maintenance faults can only be understood by experienced maintenance personnel, where the broken parts can be replaced!

For places with strict requirements on humidity and temperature, consult professional personnel for guidance. In the process of operation, if there is any abnormal situation, please inform the professional cooling fan maintenance company or distribution maintenance point for maintenance.

Industrial air cooler is no compressor, no cold coal, pollution-free environmental products, it is the use of outdoor fresh air evaporation cooling principle cooling and indoor convection to achieve the purpose of indoor ventilation cooling. Compared with the traditional compressor air conditioning system, the cost is less than half, and the equipment does not take up any building area. The system is simple, easy to install and maintain, without professional maintenance personnel. Reflects the energy-saving, human nature, beautiful, environmental protection and other characteristics, for electronics, textile, footwear, plastic, machinery workshop, cigarette factory, modern home, office, supermarket, hospital, entertainment, waiting room and other environment ventilation cooling provides a perfect solution.

Relatively speaking, the air cooler can not be compared with the central air conditioning wind refrigeration capacity, but the price is lower, relative to the central air conditioning of 10% ~ 20% of the price, electricity consumption is only about 2% of the central air conditioning, so it still attracts many customers. In different areas of China, the actual effect of the application of air cooler is not the same, but the actual cooling effect is stronger than that of electric fan, at 3 ~ 8℃. The hotter the temperature, the more significant the actual cooling effect, the greater the wind speed, the better the actual cooling effect. In addition to cooling, the air cooler can also have the practical effect of overworrying the fresh gas and humidifying, which is especially suitable for the physical and mental health of contemporary people and the requirements of natural ventilation.

The main performance of the water cooling fan

The water-cooled fan, also known as the evaporative cooling ventilator, is a high-tech product designed by Australian air-conditioning experts for many years. It adopts high-efficiency "direct evaporative" refrigeration technology. The principle is based on the absorption of thermal energy by water during evaporation, that is, the sensible heat of the air is absorbed under the condition of constant enthalpy, so that the air temperature (dry bulb temperature) is lowered. . The working process is: when the fresh air passes through the core component of the water-cooling fan-interlaced air heat exchanger, the water whose temperature is equal to the temperature of the air wet bulb is in direct contact with the fresh air, generating heat exchange and filtering out the dust in the air. The air is cooled by the isothermal change and the temperature eventually drops to near the wet bulb temperature.

In the dry and hot environment in summer, the dry/wet bulb temperature is quite different, and the cooling effect is relatively good. The outdoor fresh air is filtered by the water-cooling fan and cooled down, and then continuously sent into the room, and the turbid air with high odor, dust and high temperature is discharged outside the room. After such continuous circulation, the indoor temperature is reduced, and the air contains Both oxygen and mass are relatively stable. Therefore, the water-cooled fan can achieve the dual effects of cooling and ventilation, while creating a fresh and comfortable environment.

Because of the following advantages of its products, it is more and more recognized by people and used.
1. Low investment and high efficiency: Compared with water-cooled fans installed in the same area, water-cooled fans are 1/2 of the total investment in air-conditioning.

2. Less power consumption, only one degree of electricity per hour: Compared with water-cooled fans installed in the same area, the power consumption is only about 1/9 of that of conventional air conditioners.

3, the cooling effect is particularly strong: in the southern region, the water cooling fan unit can generally achieve a cooling effect of 5 ~ 10 ° C, in the hot and dry area unit cooling can reach 5 ~ 15 ° C, and rapid cooling.

4, good air quality: water-cooled fan set ventilation, ventilation, purification, odor, cooling in one, increase air oxygen content, improve work efficiency. The new wind positive pressure operation filters out dust below 80% micron in the air to remove harmful gases and effectively prevent "air conditioning disease".

5. Adjust humidity: Adjust the humidity in the workplace where humidity is needed.

6. Convenient installation and maintenance: The water-cooled fan can be installed along the facade of the external wall. It is beautifully installed, does not occupy indoor space, requires no professional maintenance, and saves maintenance costs.

7. Wide range of use: It is widely used in crowded places, production places with heat-generating equipment or high-temperature heat sources, places with polluting gas, strong odor or dust, and places with high air quality requirements.

Industrial air cooler and air conditioning difference

Industrial air cooler is a kind of environmental protection product with no compressor, no cold coal and no pollution. Compared with the traditional compressor air conditioning system, the cost is less than half and the equipment does not take up any building area. The system is simple, easy to install and maintain, without professional maintenance personnel. It embodies the characteristics of energy saving, humanization, beauty and environmental protection, and provides a perfect solution for the ventilation and cooling of the environment of electronics, textiles, shoes, plastics, machinery workshops, etc. What are the differences between industrial air cooler and air conditioner and the cleaning methods of condenser?

First, the difference between industrial air cooler and air conditioning

1. Different refrigeration materials are used. The medium used by industrial air coolers is water, but the raw material used by air conditioners is freon, and the lack of freon can be added in time.

2. It works differently. Through water evaporation, industrial air cooler can achieve the effect of refrigeration, and the air supply distance is far, the air volume is larger, generally used in closed places, the temperature brought is also more balanced. Air conditioning compresses freon by compressor, making liquid freon gasification reaction, thus absorbing a lot of heat in the air, blowing cold air from the outlet, so as to achieve the effect of rapidly reducing the indoor temperature.

3. Different functions, the main function of industrial air cooler is refrigeration and ventilation, including dust removal, energy consumption is relatively low. The main functions of air conditioning are refrigeration, heating and dehumidification. Its energy consumption is relatively high.