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The air cooler can be ventilated, purified and cooled

With the concept of environmental protection and energy saving, green emission reduction deeply rooted in people's hearts, more and more enterprises, companies and families in the choice of refrigeration equipment, began to pay attention to the air cooler. Why is the cold air mechanism high cooling efficiency, cooling at the same time moisturizing, but also green? Today, Cool World is here to tell you the secret of the air cooler.

Singly speaking, air coolers, evaporative air coolers and air coolers are actually a product between the traditional compressor air conditioning and the fan. It is not as cold as a traditional compressor air conditioner, but much cooler than a fan, which is equivalent to standing by the beach or a waterfall, will feel relatively cool.

In addition, the comprehensive effect and application range of the air cooler is relatively wide. Quite literally, it can be used in all industries, because it is an all-round player of ventilation, cooling, dust reduction, ventilation and flavor removal. And the operation cost of the air cooler is low, saving more than 80% electricity than the traditional central air conditioning.

For example, the place where the air cooler can be installed may not be equipped with air conditioning, such as the injection workshop, grinding workshop, heat treatment workshop, as well as some public places and vegetable markets, underground parking lots and so on... And the investment and operation cost of central air conditioning is relatively high, which is also an important factor for many enterprises to choose air cooler.

The reason is just like buying a car. After so many years of development of the automobile industry, China's family car is no longer as superior as before. Many people can afford it, but it is a big expense to use a car. Compared with the power consumption of central air conditioning, the air cooler is much more economical. The main product of Chengdu Kun Neng Environmental Protection and Energy Saving -- the main motor of 1.1KW air cooler is 1/8 of the power consumption of traditional central air conditioning, and can save more than 80% of the power for all industries.

What should be paid attention to when the air cooler pump is used?

1. If there is any small failure of the air cooler pump, remember not to let it work. If the filler of the pump shaft is completely worn, it should be added in time. If the pump continues to be used, air will leak. The direct impact of this is that the motor energy consumption will increase and damage the impeller.

2, if the pump in the process of using strong vibration must stop to check what is the reason, otherwise it will also cause damage to the pump.

3. When the bottom valve of the air cooler pump leaks, some people will fill the inlet pipe of the pump with dry soil and flush it to the bottom of the valve. This approach is really not desirable. Because when the dry soil is put into the intake pipe when the pump starts to work the dry soil will enter the pump, then it will damage the pump impeller and bearing, which shortens the pump life. When the bottom valve is leaking, it must be repaired. If it is very serious, it needs to be replaced.

4, after the use of the pump must pay attention to maintenance, such as when the pump is finished to put the water in the pump clean, it is best to remove the water pipe and then rinse with water.

What should be paid attention to when the air cooler pump is used?

5. The tape on the air cooler pump should also be removed, and then washed with water and dried in the light place. Do not put the tape in a dark and wet place. The tape of the pump must not be stained with oil, not to mention coating some sticky things on the tape.

6, to carefully check whether there are cracks on the impeller, whether the impeller is fixed on the bearing is loose, if there are cracks and loose phenomenon to timely maintenance, if there is dirt on the pump impeller also to clean up.

7. The interface of the air cooler pump and the pipeline must be well sealed, because if there is debris entering it, it will cause damage to the inside of the pump.

8. For the bearing on the pump, it is also the focus of inspection. After use, check whether the bearing has wear and tear.

What are the main advantages of mobile air coolers?

As the temperature gets higher and higher, the air cooler has become an indispensable product in life. In order to meet people's needs, the functions of air coolers are becoming more and more perfect. Many manufacturers choose mobile air coolers in order to save costs. Then today, the editor of Yuebo Ventilation will give you a popular science. What are the advantages of mobile air coolers and which aspects are mainly reflected?

      The mobile air cooler adopts high-efficiency "direct evaporative" refrigeration technology. The principle is that water absorbs heat energy during the evaporation process, that is, under the condition of constant enthalpy, absorbs the sensible heat of the air to make the air temperature (dry bulb temperature) )reduce. The working process is: when the fresh air passes through the interlaced moiré air heat exchanger, the core component of the water-cooled fan, the water whose temperature is equal to the wet bulb temperature of the air will directly contact the fresh air to generate heat exchange and filter out the dust in the air. The air is cooled by an isenthalpy change, and the temperature eventually drops to close to the wet bulb temperature.

      In the dry and hot summer environment, the difference in dry/wet bulb temperature is large, and the cooling effect is relatively good. The fresh outdoor air is continuously fed into the room after being filtered and cooled by a water-cooled fan, and the turbid air with odor, dust, and higher temperature is discharged out of the room. After such continuous circulation, the indoor temperature is reduced, and the content of the air is reduced. The amount and quality of oxygen are relatively stable. Therefore, the water-cooled fan can achieve the dual effects of cooling and ventilation, while creating a fresh and comfortable environment.

      Because its products have the following advantages, they are more and more recognized by people, so they can be used.

      1. Low power consumption, only one kilowatt hour per hour: Compared with water-cooled fans, installing an air conditioner in the same area consumes only about 1/9 of that of a traditional air conditioner.

      2. Low investment and high efficiency: Compared with the installation of air-conditioners and water-cooled fans in the same area, water-cooled fans are 1/2 of the total air-conditioning investment.

      3. Strong cooling effect: In the southern region, the water-cooled fan unit generally can cool down by 5~10℃, and in hot and dry areas, the unit can cool down by 5~15℃, and the temperature will drop quickly.

      4. Good air quality: The water-cooled fan integrates ventilation, air exchange, purification, odor exhaust, and cooling to increase the oxygen content of the air and improve work efficiency. The fresh air is operated under positive pressure, filtering the dust below 80% micron in the air, removing harmful gases, and effectively preventing "air conditioning diseases".

      5. Convenient installation and maintenance: The water-cooled fan can be installed along the facade of the outer wall, and the installation is beautiful, does not occupy indoor space, does not require professional maintenance, and saves maintenance costs.

      6. Wide range of application: It is widely used in densely populated places, production places with heating equipment or high-temperature heat sources, places with polluting gas, strong odor or dust, and places with high air quality requirements.

      7. Humidity adjustment: Humidity adjustment for workplaces that need to increase humidity.

Precautions when deactivating the air cooler

1. Partial parts are exposed to the air, even sun and rain, the surface is prone to rust. Not only will the appearance of the air cooler be affected when it is used again, but the speed of the air cooler will be affected to a certain extent. This is a problem encountered by many users of air coolers. In fact, the way to avoid the rust of the air cooler is very simple. The common method is to apply rust inhibitor on the parts that are prone to rust. Of course, it is necessary to reduce the exposure of the air cooler to sunlight, and not to place it in humid air for a long time.

    2. In the northern region, the temperature is low in winter. If the cooling fan is installed in the workshop or the cooling fan is operating in a poor environment, you must pay attention to the antifreeze problem of the cooler. If the cooler is not used for a long time in winter, the temperature is below zero. Check the bearing box and clean the cooling water inside. Otherwise, the temperature will drop below zero, the cooling water will freeze and shrink in volume, which will cause cracks in the bearing box.

    3. The maintenance of electrical components is also very important, especially the motor, which is an important power organ of the air cooler. In coastal cities and the rainy season, the air will be humid, which will cause the motor and other electrical components to be damp and affect their operation. Failure to deal with it will result in the loss of the ability of the air cooler. Therefore, moisture-proof work must be done when the air cooler is not used for a long time. The workshop and operating environment require ventilation and exhaust. The windows cannot be opened on the wall with humid air and upwind.

    4. The air cooler has not been used for a long time, and the material of the main shaft determines that if they are in a static state for a long time, they are very easy to deform, and even bend. When the main shaft deviates from the running track, the wind direction is unstable and the wind direction decreases, and the air cooler will be reduced. The impact of the quality of operation. Therefore, when the air cooler is not used, the main shaft and other components should be operated at regular intervals, and the rotor can be rotated by 180°, so that the main shaft will not be deformed or even bent due to long-term stationary. The long-term suspension of air coolers is not left to nothing, but needs time to pay attention to and maintain their well-being. In addition to the above-mentioned conditions that require our special attention, we cannot relax other aspects of the air cooler. Achieve regular maintenance for them, and develop a complete maintenance and maintenance plan, so that when the air cooler is restarted again, its operating quality will not be affected, so as to extend the life of the air cooler.