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What are the reasons why environmental air conditioning does not refrigeration

Under normal circumstances, the temperature difference between the operating room temperature of environmental air conditioning should be above 8 degrees Celsius. If it does not reach this temperature, it means that the refrigeration capacity of air conditioning is not enough. There are many reasons for the non-refrigeration of environmental air conditioning.
1, refrigeration load overload or room is too large refrigeration effect can not be reached;
2. The filter screen or the water supply pipe is too dirty and silted, which blocks the air volume and the circulation of cold air and causes the air conditioning to not refrigerate or the refrigeration effect is not good. The filter screen and the water supply pipe of the air conditioning should be cleaned regularly.
3, float ball valve adjustment is not reasonable, the water level is too low, generally should adjust the water level to 80-100 scale;
4, the installation site is not correct is also one of the reasons why the air conditioning is not refrigeration, which will make the air circulation is not sufficient; When installing air conditioning, choose a reasonable installation place;
5, refrigeration freon is not available, an important reason for the refrigeration of environmental air conditioning is that the air conditioning is added refrigeration freon, should check how much refrigeration freon, add in time;
6, sometimes the instability of the voltage will also make the air conditioning does not refrigerate, the normal starting voltage of the air conditioning is generally 220V, check whether the voltage is stable.
All of the above are the reasons why the environmental air conditioner does not refrigerate. If the air conditioner does not refrigerate, please let the master come to check it as soon as possible so as to use it. Not professional maintenance personnel try not to dismantle environmental protection air conditioning at will, to avoid causing unnecessary damage.

The basic knowledge of installing negative pressure fan


When installing the negative pressure fan, the wall of the fan here must be treated with airtight. In particular, there can be no clearance around the fan. The ideal way to assemble the negative pressure fan is that the walls on one side of the fan and the surrounding Windows and doors are all closed, and the Windows and doors on the opposite wall of the fan are opened to ensure that the air flow is in a straight line.

The assembly of the negative pressure fan is a particularly key project. The actual effect of the use of the negative pressure fan in the future has a great impact. It must be paid attention to at all times in all links of the assembly.

Before the assembly

1. Before the assembly of the negative pressure fan, we should carefully check whether the negative pressure fan is intact, whether the fastener bolts are loose or fall off, and whether the impeller has knocked against the wind cover. Carefully check whether the fan blade or louver is deformed or damaged during transportation.

2. When selecting the air outlet environment for assembly, attention should be paid to the fact that there can be no large barrier within 2.5-3m directly opposite the air outlet.

When the assembly

1. Stable assembly: attention should be paid to the horizontal orientation of the negative pressure fan when it is assembled, and it should be adjusted to the level that the negative pressure fan is firm with the foundation plane. The motor should not be skewed after assembly.

2. When assembling the negative pressure fan, the control bolt of the motor should be located in the direction convenient for practical operation. In order to facilitate the use of the control belt tight loose.

3. When assembling the support frame of the negative pressure fan, make sure that the support frame is firmly horizontal with the ground plane. If necessary, assemble the Angle iron beside the negative pressure fan to take reinforcement.

4. After the assembly of the negative pressure fan, it is necessary to check the surrounding airtightness. If there is a gap, to use the sun plate or glass glue to take airtight.

After assembly

1. After the completion of assembly, check whether the inside of the negative pressure fan is left behind props and sundries. Rotate the fan blade by hand or lever to check whether it is too tight or brushed, and whether there is no guide that prevents the rotation of the object, before the test run can be taken.

2. If the vibration of the negative pressure fan or the abnormal sound of the "buzzing" of the motor is shown during operation, it should be shut down and checked, and then started for use after repair.

What are the differences between axial flow fan and negative pressure fan

What is a negative pressure fan?
A lot of people do not understand this concept, the following details of the negative pressure fan is what. The negative pressure fan in the air cooler is a kind of suction fan, because the working principle is to use negative pressure ventilation, the physical principle of air convection to force air convection ventilation and cooling, so it is called the negative pressure fan. Negative pressure fan is the best choice for ventilation and cooling, especially used in industrial plants, pig farms, chicken farms, greenhouses, Internet cafes and other places. Negative pressure fan is mainly used for the overall solution of high temperature, sultry, smoke, odor, dust and other poor ventilation problems. Negative pressure fan is low pressure fan. Negative pressure fan is commonly known as wet curtain fan, glass fiber reinforced plastic fan, galvanized sheet fan, iron fan, industrial fan, negative pressure exhaust fan, negative pressure ventilation fan, animal husbandry fan, etc.

One, the type of negative pressure fan:
Negative pressure fan this kind of product is various, mainly from the following aspects:
1, from the frame material distinction: FRP glass fiber (FRP), galvanized sheet, plastic steel;
Galvanized sheet negative pressure fan is made of galvanized iron sheet (commonly known as tin sheet). It is the most common negative pressure fan in the market. Because it is affordable, many manufacturers choose negative pressure fan made of this material. But the service life of this negative pressure fan is short;
FRP negative pressure fan:
FRP glass fiber negative pressure fan (FRP is fiber reinforced plastic) commonly known as FRP fan;
FRP features:
(1) light weight and high strength.
(2) good corrosion resistance. To the atmosphere, water and general concentration of acid, alkali, salt and a variety of oils and solvents have better resistance.
(3) Good electrical performance. Excellent insulating material, used to make insulators. Good dielectric protection at high frequencies. Microwave transmittance is good.
(4) good thermal performance. FRP has low thermal conductivity and is not easy to deform.
Because of the above characteristics of FRP, FRP negative pressure fan is high temperature resistant, acid and alkali resistant, light and stable, and has a longer service life.
Plastic steel negative pressure fan: rarely used on the market at present;

2. Transmission mode: the transmission mode of the negative pressure fan is divided into direct type and belt type.
From the perspective of this transmission mode, the transmission mode affects the air volume, noise, and maintenance of the negative pressure fan; Direct type is superior;
1. The blades of direct negative pressure fan are directly installed on the motor, which reduces the power loss caused by transmission. For fans with the same power, the air volume of direct negative pressure fan is about 10% larger than that of belt type. The belt of belt-type negative pressure fan will become loose after a long time, and the air volume of the fan will decrease significantly after loosening.
2. Direct negative pressure fan also has no noise caused by belt friction.
3. Belt type should be maintained. Generally, the negative pressure fan belt can be used for two years (imported) and a small amount can only be used for one year, especially the negative pressure fan installed at high altitude is also difficult to replace.

What is an axial fan
Axial flow fan is the air flow in the same direction as the axis of the blade (that is, the flow of the wind is parallel to the axis), such as electric fans, air conditioning fans are axial flow fans.

A common example of an axial fan is a typical bench type fan. It is called "axial flow" because the air passing through the fan does not change direction, but flows parallel to the fan axis. Axial fan is usually used in high flow requirements and low pressure requirements of the occasion.

Axial fan blades work in a similar way to the wings of an aircraft. But whereas the latter push lift up the wings and support the weight of the aircraft, the axial fan holds the air in place and moves it around.

The cross section of an axial fan is generally a wing section. The blade may be fixed in position or rotated about its longitudinal axis. The Angle of the blade to the airflow or the blade spacing may be unadjustable or adjustable. Changing blade angles or spacing is one of the main advantages of axial fan. Small blade spacing Angle produces lower flow rate, while increasing spacing produces higher flow rate.

Advanced axial fans can vary the blade spacing as the fan is running (much like a helicopter rotor), changing the flow rate accordingly. This is called a vane adjustable (VP) axial fan.

Axial flow fan, also called local fan, is a kind of fan commonly used in industrial and mining enterprises. Its motor and blade are in a cylinder, and the shape is a cylinder. It is used for local ventilation, convenient installation, obvious ventilation effect, safety, and can be connected to the air duct to send the air to the designated area.

What are the differences between axial fan and negative pressure fan
As we all know, there are a lot of high temperature factories are installed with a large number of axial flow fans, but the workshop is still so hot to the hopper, or so much dust and odor.
To the surrounding air.
An example shows that if you stand next to the axis of an axial fan, you will not feel the air flow at all, even though there is a lot of wind on the axis.
And suction fan is like a reverse atomizer, it is to absorb the air horn shaped, not only drives the fan axis of airflow, but by the fan in the outward show trumpet-shaped scroll air, we were standing next to the axis of the fan impeller to the powder machine will also feel a strong airflow, this feature determines its exhaust thoroughly with high efficiency.