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What is the difference between the air outlet modes of air coolers

Air coolers are commonly used in summer by our manufacturers. There are various types of air coolers. If we are more careful, we will find that the air outlet modes of air coolers are different. The air outlet modes of air coolers are determined by the air outlets. There are three different air outlet modes of air cooler: bottom outlet, side outlet and top outlet. Among them, the bottom outlet is more commonly used.
As for the top air outlet, although it also has four wet curtains, there will be an additional elbow when installing, and it is near the air outlet, which will inevitably produce great resistance and greatly affect the efficiency of environmental air conditioning. Therefore, the bottom outlet cold air opportunity is commonly used. ...
Let's look at the side air outlet and top air outlet. The installation cost of air cooler is the first consideration for any enterprise. Although the effect of bottom outlet air is very good, if the workshop where the air conditioner is installed is located in the middle of the floor, then if the bottom outlet air is installed at this time, it will have to erect a long air duct. ...
This will not only greatly increase the installation cost, but also the resistance generated by such a long air duct is believed to be not small. When the wind is transmitted to the workshop, the effect will be much lower. At this time, if the installation of side outlet air, only a shelf is needed to hang beside the workshop window. This comparison is obviously better for side outlet. Besides, if the workshop is at the bottom floor, it is more than worthwhile to install the bottom outlet air. At this time, it is an ideal choice to install the top outlet air.

Advantages of air cooler in common use

With people's increasingly strict requirements for living environment and working environment, air cooler is widely used in enterprise workshops as a kind of cooling and ventilating refrigeration equipment. Now, the application field is gradually expanded to greenhouse cooling and ventilation in some public places. Some small models of household air coolers are suitable for household refrigeration and ventilation in summer and autumn seasons, and the lower part is small Make up to take you to understand the advantages of air cooler in the refrigeration industry.
1. The power consumption of the cooling fan is only one fifth of that of the traditional air conditioner in unit time, which greatly saves the operation cost of the enterprise factory;
2. Through the wet curtain heat exchange refrigeration, does not need Freon the most refrigeration medium, in the use of safety and environmental protection;
3. The cooling rate is fast and the cooling effect is remarkable. The cooling effect can reach 5-10 ℃ in relatively humid areas and 10-18 ℃ in hot and dry areas in the north;
4. The air cooler can not only cool the temperature, but also ventilate the indoor air. It can keep the air clean and dry for a long time. It will not cause the air conditioning disease of traditional air conditioning, and has no harmful blowing feeling to human body;
5. In operation, the vibration amplitude is small, the noise is low, and the air volume is large;
6. The operation interface of the air cooler is displayed by LCD, and has the function of timing switch on and off.

What should I do if the environmental protection air conditioner leaks?

No rain leaks

Possibility 1: It is of course that the filter is blocked and the water is pulled into the air duct. Clean the net in time or the water will burn when it penetrates the motor.

Possibility 2: There is a gap in the water distribution pipe in the main unit or the water pipe head has fallen off.

Possibility 3: The wet curtain paper is broken. When the water flows into the elbow under the pull of the wind, water will blow out.

Environmentally friendly air conditioning

The problem of rain and water leakage is definitely in the air duct

Possibility 1: The bottom edge of the air pipe elbow flows into the pipe. Before making the air pipe, you must put glass glue on the inside. Or put a layer on the outside. But next time, remember that it is better to hit the inside.

Possibility 2. Below the bottom of the duct elbow. There is an edge. When the water flows into the bottom part of the water under pressure, it rushes into the edge. The water in the edge will be when the elbow is not waterproof Flow into the pipe.

Possibility 3: There is also an edge on the air outlet of the elbow of the duct, the same as on the possibility 2. There is also an upper edge. Glue it.

Possibility 4: The air outlet of the air duct elbow will usually block the water when the glass is cut off. Yes. That's it. There is a bit high in the leakproof, which is not good for glue. It is also there that heavy rain will be It's easy to get indoors there.

After fixing the above points, be sure to test the water with water. Check if it leaks. Drill a few small holes at the bottom of the elbow below. If there is water, run it away to solve the problem of water accumulation.