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What is the reason for the cooler to reduce temperature and moisturize, but also to save energy and

Following the concepts of environmental protection, energy saving and green emission reduction, more and more companies, companies and families are starting to pay attention to the air cooler when selecting refrigeration equipment.

      The inductive consequences of the air cooler are wider than the scale of application. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can be used in all occupations, because it is a versatile player who gathers ventilation, cooling, dust, ventilation, and odor. And the working cost of the air cooler is low, which saves more than 80% of the electricity bill compared to the traditional central air conditioner.

      In simple terms, air coolers, evaporative air coolers, and air coolers are actually a product between the traditional compressor air conditioner and the electric fan. It is not as cold as the traditional compressor air conditioner, but much cooler than the electric fan. It is equivalent to the shaoguang of people standing on the beach or around the waterfall, and it will feel cooler and the same.

      For example, a place that can be equipped with a cooler may not be equipped with air conditioning, such as an injection molding workshop, a grinding workshop, a heat treatment workshop, and some mass places and vegetable markets, underground parking lots, etc... And the investment and working costs of central air conditioning are relatively high. It is also an important factor for many companies to choose chillers.

How to classify negative pressure fans? What types are there?

Because the negative pressure fan has the characteristics of low investment cost, large air volume, low noise, low energy consumption, stable operation, long life and high efficiency, it is used by many people and there are many types of negative pressure fans suitable for various environments. How are the negative pressure fans classified? What types are there? Let’s take a look today!

  What are the types of negative pressure fans?

   1. The negative pressure fan can be divided into several types according to the material used, such as iron fan (general fan), fiberglass fan, plastic fan, aluminum fan, stainless steel fan, etc.

   2. Fan classification can be divided into centrifugal type, axial flow type, diagonal flow type (mixed flow type) and cross flow type according to the direction of gas flow.

   3. According to the flow direction of the airflow entering the impeller, the fan is divided into: axial fan, centrifugal fan and diagonal flow (mixed flow) fan.

4. The fan is divided into a press-in local fan (hereinafter referred to as a press-in fan) and a flame-proof motor placed outside or in the flow channel, and a flame-proof motor is placed in an explosion-proof sealed cavity (hereinafter referred to as pump-out Fan).

   5. The fan can be divided into single-stage, double-stage or multi-stage pressurized fan according to the form of pressurization. For example, 4-72 is a single-stage pressurization, while Gaorui fans are multi-stage pressurization fans

   6. Fans can be divided into axial fans, mixed-flow fans, roof fans, air-conditioning fans, etc. according to usage. Fan

  7. Fans can be divided into low-pressure fans, medium-pressure fans, and high-pressure fans according to pressure.

   8. According to the outlet pressure (boost), it can be divided into: ventilator (≤15,000 Pa), blower (1.5~350,000 Pa), compressor (≥350,000 Pa).

   The type of negative pressure fan must have been understood by everyone. If you want to know more, you can contact us, we will introduce you in detail!