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The benefits of using negative pressure fans safely!

In fact, no matter what kind of negative pressure fan we will choose when we use it, it is necessary to use it safely. In fact, we will choose to use negative pressure fan safely not only for our safety, but also to achieve our desired effect, so This issue must be taken seriously.

In our production and life, the drum negative pressure fan is a very common type of negative pressure fan. Due to its use, the environmental quality in the place has been greatly improved, but some safety problems in the operation of the negative pressure fan We have to solve it, so we will tell you how to ensure the safety of negative pressure fans and staff.

Sometimes some problems of negative pressure fans are accumulated over time. If users do not maintain and maintain them for a long time during the use of negative pressure fans, some problems of negative pressure fans will occur frequently.

First of all, we can directly answer the question of cleaning the negative pressure fan, take flue gas dust removal measures, regularly clean the flue, and improve the working environment of the negative pressure fan. Units with dust removal equipment should strengthen dust removal operation management, improve dust removal efficiency, and avoid damage to the impeller.

There is also the problem of regular maintenance of some components of negative pressure fans, insisting on regular overhaul of negative pressure fans, and strictly checking the quality of maintenance. Eliminate the hidden dangers of the accident in the budding state. The overhaul should be comprehensive and thorough. Carefully check the wear of the impeller, the balance of the operation of the main shaft and the impeller, whether there is any looseness or collision in the internal connection, whether the inlet baffle switch is flexible and the bearing lubrication and cooling Happening.

In addition to these points, the negative pressure fan impeller is strengthened to improve the wear resistance and practicality of the negative pressure fan impeller. We often see some wear problems on the impeller of the negative pressure fan. Therefore, the welding surface of the blade or the parts with serious wear should be welded to improve the wear resistance of the blade.

The use of negative pressure fan must pay attention to its opening problem first. If there is an error in the opening sequence, it will directly lead to the failure of the negative pressure fan. If we can guarantee the safety of the use of negative pressure fans to the greatest extent, then the personal safety of the workers will naturally be guaranteed.

From this we can see that if we want to truly achieve the safe use of negative pressure fans, the first thing we have to do is to have a certain understanding of the negative pressure fans we use. Of course, the relevant knowledge of it can be safely used!

A clever way to choose a negative pressure fan in different environments!

There are a variety of fans on the market, negative pressure fans, axial fans, centrifugal fans, Roots fans, etc., which kind of environment are they suitable for or which kind of fans are needed in which environment? And all kinds of negative pressure fans , Explosion-proof negative pressure fans, anti-corrosion negative pressure fans, stainless steel negative pressure fans, etc., what kind of environment are they suitable for? Today we take a look.

The clever way to choose negative pressure fan in different environments

1. There is no special requirement for the fan during ordinary exhaust, as long as it meets the design conditions and customer requirements, as is the case with ordinary civil ventilators. However, the speed of the fan is generally selected to be lower, because the speed is too high, and the overall operating noise is large. At the same time, the fan and its components are easily damaged, such as bearings and shafts, belts and pulleys wear in advance, resulting in frequent replacement of components Maintenance costs. At this time, the basic type of negative pressure fan can achieve the effect of exhaust.

2. There are many types of process exhaust air, and some may contain welding slag, paint, explosive gas, sometimes high temperature, smoke exhaust, etc. Different components and different treatment methods require different fans.

3. Welding slag is included in the gas: a filter screen is added, and the motor cannot be built in; the exhaust air in the welding workshop or the blanking workshop usually considers the metal shavings and welding slag contained in the exhaust gas. If these impurities enter the fan, they may scratch the worn bearing belts and other parts, and more seriously damage the motor, causing the motor to be scrapped. All requirements are to add an initial effect filter (to filter particles with a diameter not greater than 1 mm), and the motor is external (to prevent metal chips from entering the motor).

Talking about the main characteristics of air coolers are divided into those

①Less investment and high efficiency (probably only 1/8 of the power consumption of traditional central air-conditioning).

②Do not close the doors and windows by using the air cooler.

③It can replace the turbid, sultry and smelly air in the room and discharge it outside.

④ The power consumption is low, and the power consumption per unit is 1.1 degrees per hour, without Freon.

⑤ The air supply volume of each cooler is selected according to: 6000-80000 cubic meters.

⑥ Each cold wind covers an area of ​​100-130 square meters.

⑦ Cooling main part (wet curtain).

Characteristics of evaporative cooler.

1. The cooling effect is obvious: in a humid area (such as the southern region), it can generally achieve a significant cooling effect of about 5-6 ℃;

2. Ventilation, ventilation, dust prevention, deodorization, and cooling in one, increase the oxygen content of the air, and improve work efficiency.

3. Equipped with functions of automatic water supply, automatic air swing, automatic cleaning and air supply, which can realize automatic protection of phase loss.

The structure types of the air cooler are floor type (L), floor upper side blowing type (LS), floor underground side blowing type (LX), floor level blowing type (LP), suspended ceiling type (D), assembled type (PP, PD) Wait.

The traditional high-efficiency chiller is a device that outputs cooling capacity in a refrigeration system. It is mainly composed of a cooling coil and an axial fan. Through the forced action of the axial fan, the air in the cooled room is passed through the cooling exhaust pipe group of the chiller Forced convection heat exchange to cool the air, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the temperature of the room (or storage).

How to solve the failure of the cooling fan?

Nowadays, there are more and more applications for air coolers, especially in factories and some rooms with poor ventilation, and for the application of air coolers, some failures will inevitably occur. At this time, it is necessary to deal with them in time. What should I do if something goes wrong?

Cooler bearing vibration exceeds the standard. The fan bearing vibration is the most common failure during the operation of the fan. The vibration of the fan will cause failures such as blade damage, loose screws, damage to the casing and air duct, etc., seriously endangering the safe operation of the fan. Ningbo City Air Cooler, Ningbo Air Cooler

How to solve the failure of the cooling fan?

In addition, it is easy for dust to fall and accumulate on the wind leaves. When the dust accumulation reaches a certain weight, the centrifugal force will be generated during the operation of the impeller. Since the dust accumulation on each blade cannot be completely uniform, the accumulation may make the blade mass distribution uneven, resulting in increased fan vibration and even problems. . In this case, only the dust accumulation on the blades needs to be produced, and the impeller will be balanced again, thereby reducing the vibration of the fan.

The application of the air cooler has the advantages of less investment and low energy consumption. At the same cooling rate, the one-time investment is about one sixth of the air conditioner, and the operating cost is about one tenth of the air conditioner. In addition, its cooling effect is outstanding and it is favored. .