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Why can the negative pressure fan cool down? How to distinguish the performance of the negative pres

With the continuous promotion of negative pressure fans, more and more companies choose it. Why can the negative pressure fan cool? How to distinguish the performance of the negative pressure fan? Today we take a look.
What is the principle of how the negative pressure fan cools us?
1. Ventilation and cooling: the temperature of the place where ventilation is required is higher than the outdoor temperature due to heat sources such as sunlight, buildings, machinery, human body and other heat sources. The negative pressure fan can quickly discharge the indoor hot air, keeping the room temperature and the outside temperature flat, so that the temperature in the workshop will not continue to rise without circulation.
2. The air flow takes away the heat of the human body. The air flow accelerates the evaporation of sweat and absorbs the heat of the human body, so that the body feels cool, as cool as the natural wind. How does the negative pressure fan make the plant achieve the effect of cooling and ventilation?
3. The negative pressure fan only has the function of ventilation and cooling, without the function of cooling, no harm to human health, health and environmental protection.
Method for distinguishing the performance of negative pressure fan
1. To ensure dynamic balance. Everyone knows that dynamic balance is the basis for ensuring the effective operation of negative pressure fans. The negative pressure fan with good quality and excellent quality has low vibration and low noise during operation, which can greatly improve the working efficiency of the negative pressure fan.
2. In the treatment of noise, enterprises can judge the noise by changing the sound during the operation of the negative pressure fan.
3. When observing the air volume of the negative pressure fan, it can be judged by observing the condition of the blades of the front louver when the fan is in operation and the wind pressure when the negative pressure fan is working.
4. Judge whether the negative pressure fan meets the technical standards by measuring the current.
The cooling principle of the negative pressure fan and the method to distinguish the performance of the negative pressure fan are introduced here, I hope to help everyone!

What is the effect of negative pressure fan blades and the time of trial operation

The reason why we are familiar with and understand the negative pressure fan is not only because it is one of the website products and keywords, but also because it has a wide range of applications. While doing this work, you can also benefit yourself a lot. So, since it is good for us, let ’s proceed as follows, I hope everyone can gain new inspiration and inspiration from it.
     1. Is the negative pressure fan a new type of environmentally friendly energy-saving ventilation and cooling equipment?
     From the perspective of Wuxi Hulin, a negative pressure fan factory, this problem is certain and certain, and this is also beyond doubt. In addition, this type of fan has the advantages of large air extraction, low operating noise, simple and convenient installation, and good ventilation and cooling effects.
     2. In the negative pressure fan, does the quality of the fan blade affect the quality and service life of the negative pressure fan?
     The fan blade in the negative pressure fan is a very important component in the view of Wuxi Hulin of the negative pressure fan factory, and it will affect the quality and service life of the negative pressure fan. Therefore, the answer to this question is because it will have an impact, and it has a great impact. Therefore, on the fan blade, the focus is to consider the specific aspects of its wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
     3. How long does the trial operation of the negative pressure fan before starting to run?
     The test operation of the negative pressure fan before the start of operation. In terms of time control, the negative pressure fan factory Wuxi Hulin believes that it should be two hours. At the same time, it is necessary to observe whether the temperature of the bearing and motor of the negative pressure fan is abnormal, such as If there is abnormality, the fan cannot be put into use.
     The above problems are all related to negative pressure fans. It can be said that they are common problems. Therefore, Chongqing negative pressure fan factory gave specific answers so that everyone can clearly know and refer to them. It can be solved in time when encountered in the work, so as to avoid unnecessary problems or troubles.

Which type of air cooler is the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly?

Promoting the technological development and continuous improvement of the concept of the chiller industry is the main force for achieving higher energy efficiency goals and sustainable development of a low-carbon economy.
Ningbo air cooler, Ningbo air cooler

The industry believes that the chiller is facing a new round of market competition caused by product transformation, and low-carbon products that are energy-saving and environmentally friendly will occupy the mainstream position in the future chiller market. Many companies in the chiller industry are disagreeing that the implementation of "full-carbon "Striving to promote energy-saving products" is the key to creating an enterprise-centric competitiveness. Enterprises should complete the entire process of low-carbonization in product design, consumption and service. Low carbon and energy saving are national actions, and low carbon energy saving is a historical task. At present, low-carbon energy conservation has penetrated into the nerves and blood of each enterprise, and it has become an obligation and due obligation of every enterprise. It has not only become a priority consideration in terms of economic benefits, but also represents the correct consumption and life direction of the global era. As the world ’s largest consumer of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment and the second largest consumer market, China ’s low-carbon air-conditioning industry is bound to set off a new climax of low-carbon energy conservation in the air-conditioning industry.

厂家 As far as manufacturers are concerned, energy saving and emission reduction, and a low-carbon road, should not only focus on home air conditioners, but also coolers have great potential. Energy saving and environmental protection have become the key to low-carbon projects. "Low-carbon energy-saving" injects energy-saving concepts into chiller enterprises, bringing a new concept of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly chiller. Energy-saving products also mean new economic growth points, and no company will ignore them.

Why is environmentally friendly air-conditioning also called a cooler?

Environmentally-friendly air conditioners, water-cooled air conditioners, and professional slang are called evaporative air conditioners and evaporative cooling fans. Nowadays, we are habitually calling it environmental protection air conditioners, water curtain air conditioners, wet curtain air conditioners, etc., but many people in the north The name is different. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, environmental protection air conditioners are called, such as coolers, fresh air ventilators, and so on. In fact, Xiaobian here reiterates that, as a professional evaporative air conditioner provider, everyone habitually calls it an environmentally friendly air conditioner. The name is based on everyone's habits, and this cannot be changed. Ningbo air cooler, Ningbo air cooler

Why is environmentally friendly air-conditioning also called a cooler?

However, the evaporative air conditioner (environment-friendly air conditioner) uses the natural physical phenomenon of "water evaporates to absorb heat, and the evaporation area affects the evaporation efficiency." When the fan is running, a negative pressure is generated in the air conditioner cavity, so that the air outside the machine flows into the porous humid The surface of the wet curtain enters the cavity, and the water on the wet curtain evaporates while the air and water are in full contact, taking away a large amount of sensible heat, and reducing the dry bulb temperature of the air passing through the wet curtain to the wet bulb temperature close to the air outside the machine. That is, the dry bulb temperature at the outlet of the evaporative air conditioner is 5-12 ° C lower than the outdoor dry bulb temperature (up to 15 ° C in dry and hot areas). The drier and hotter the air, the larger the temperature difference and the better the cooling effect. In other words, the hotter the outside, the cooler the room, the environmentally friendly air conditioner is so powerful!