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Common Features of Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative cooler features:
1. Low operating cost and quick return on investment: Compared with the traditional compressor air conditioner series, the power consumption is only 1 / 8-1 / 10.

2, obvious cooling effect: in humid areas (such as the southern region), generally can reach a significant cooling effect of about 5-9 ℃; in particularly hot and dry areas.

3. Fully environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product with no compressor, no cold coal, and no pollution. This is to use the principle of outdoor fresh air evaporative cooling to cool down and perform convective air exchange with the indoor to achieve the purpose of ventilation and cooling.

Evaporative air cooler also has some features:

1, the air supply volume of each cooler: 6000-80000 cubic meters. Each cold wind covers an area of ​​100--130 square meters. The main part for cooling (wet curtain) adopts imported parts.

2. It can replace the turbid, sultry and odorous air in the room and exhaust it outside. Low power consumption, 1.1 kWh per hour, without Freon.

3. Low investment and high efficiency (only the traditional central air conditioner consumes 8/1 power), using the air cooler can not close the doors and windows.

After looking at some of the characteristics of the evaporative air cooler, do you have a better understanding of the evaporative air cooler? I hope there will be certain benefits for choosing the air cooler in the future!

Comparison of energy consumption of coolers

Advantages of evaporative air cooler compared with central air conditioner:
1. The evaporative cooler uses water to evaporate and cool. It has a long air supply distance and large air volume. It can make the temperature of the enclosed place uniform and has a filtering function. Make the indoor environment comfortable, high oxygen content, fresh air, while the traditional central air conditioner directly uses Freon refrigeration, large air temperature difference, small air volume, and room temperature is not easy to uniform. In addition, the ventilation function is poor, and it is not suitable for semi-closed places. If it is used for a long time, it will easily cause "air conditioning disease".

2. The service life of the evaporative air cooler is twice as long as that of the traditional central air conditioner, the overall failure rate is low, and the equipment maintenance is simple and convenient.
The evaporative air conditioner has a small one-time investment, and has high overall operating efficiency and low operating costs. Taking 2000 square meters of space as an example, 20 evaporative air conditioner hosts are used. Based on one hour full load, the operating power is 20KW. Traditionally, The central air conditioner (180 hp) has an operating power of 180KW per hour. Based on 10 hours of daily operation, it can save 48,000 yuan per month in electricity costs. Energy saving of 89%, introduction of evaporative air cooler
Traditional air conditioners have large energy consumption and high operating costs, which limits the purchase volume to a certain extent. The evaporative air cooler embodies the characteristics of energy saving, humanity, beauty and environmental protection. It provides ventilation and cooling for electronics, textiles, footwear, plastic, machinery workshops, cigarette factories, modern homes, offices, supermarkets, hospitals, waiting rooms and other environments. The perfect solution.
Evaporative air cooler features:
1. Completely environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product with no compressor, no cold coal, and no pollution. This is to use the principle of outdoor fresh air evaporative cooling to cool down and perform convective air exchange with the indoor to achieve the purpose of ventilation and cooling.
2. Low operating cost and quick return on investment: Compared with the traditional compressor air conditioner series, the power consumption is only 1 / 8-1 / 10.
3. The cooling effect is obvious: in humid regions (such as the southern region), it can generally reach a significant cooling effect of about 5-10 ° C; in particularly hot and dry regions (such as the north and northwest regions), the cooling rate can reach about 10-15 ℃ or so.
4. Low investment cost and no building area: Compared with the traditional compressor air-conditioning system, the cost is less than half, and the equipment does not occupy any building area.
5. Keep the indoor air clean, clean, and hygienic: Opening doors and windows for ventilation is a major feature of evaporative air conditioners. One hundred percent of the fresh air replacement method keeps people in the natural environment at all times. Get comfortable and let the dirty air out.
6. Easy maintenance and installation: The system is simple and easy to install and maintain quickly, without the need for professional maintenance personnel.
7. Prevent air drying: it can moisturize the skin and has certain benefits to the skin.

What is a cooler inverter

The frequency conversion speed control system used in the air cooler is generally composed of sensors, transmitters, regulators, controllers, inverters, motors and controlled equipment. Ningbo air cooler, Ningbo air cooler

    The sensor is used to sense the controlled parameter in the controlled device. It can be flow, pressure, temperature, humidity, gas content, etc. Generally, the controlled parameter is converted into an electrical signal by the sensor.

    The function of the transmitter is to amplify and shape the electrical signal obtained by the sensor, and then uniformly adjust it to a regular voltage, such as 0V ~ 5V or current signal 4mA ~ 20mA as the input of the regulator.

    Regulators or controllers, they are actually a micro-control system composed of a single-chip microcomputer. It has functions of calculation, judgment and logic analysis. It has digital and analog input terminals, digital and analog output terminals, which can implement control laws such as PID or fuzzy control under the control of software. It can also use digital output ports to direct the switching between frequency modulation and power frequency of several motors, Various operations such as turning on or off related parts of the controlled equipment.

    The inverter is a kind of control equipment that uses the intelligent control technology of electronic devices to change the AC voltage with a fixed frequency and frequency into an AC voltage with a variable frequency and frequency. The variable frequency and voltage AC power used by the inverter to drive the motor can reach the speed regulation of the motor. Inverter is generally composed of power supply part, output part, control part, protection part, display part and given part. The capacity ranges from tens of watts to hundreds of kilowatts, and there are both three-phase and single-phase. For more than ten years, the reliability of inverters has become stronger and stronger, the prices are getting lower and lower, and the fields of application have become wider and wider.

    The electric motor and the controlled equipment together constitute the power source and execution mechanism of the production process to ensure the normal production or system work. The control system described above is a closed-loop control system. Sometimes, for some simple control systems, open-loop control systems are also used. In this case, the sensors, transmitters, and regulators are held by human features and brains. After the deviation of the controlled parameters of the system is observed or felt, the manual setting method is used to adjust the given value of the inverter to change the speed of the motor, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the controlled parameters.

What is the process of defrosting the air cooler

The cold air blower can be forced to supply air and improve heat exchange efficiency; it has a water receiving tray, convenient defrosting, and can adapt to various working conditions; relatively cheap, low initial investment; it has become the most common evaporator for refrigeration system applications. Let's take a look at the defrosting process of the air cooler.

   Defrosting the air cooler can be done by electric defrosting or defrosting. After the defrost is completed, the dripping time can be increased. After the dripping is completed, the motor of the air cooler can be started.

   Efficient chiller requires a very good heat transfer coefficient, has a relatively high cooling effect in the same cooling area, and the air flow resistance of the device is small, which can greatly increase the evaporation temperature of the device and reduce the power consumption of the chiller In addition, it is necessary to calculate the fan air volume and defrosting component structure required by the equipment to reduce the power consumption of the chiller during the defrosting process.

   According to different working conditions and equipment capacity, ensure that the equipment can achieve uniform liquid supply distribution during work; according to the cold storage area, installation environment and objects that need to be cooled, design different fin structures to improve the heat transfer coefficient; The pipe technology is improved to reduce the direct contact surface between the pipe and the fins, and to enhance the heat transfer coefficient of the finned tubes. When the air cooler performs defrosting, a large energy consumption will occur, and the heating elements can be optimally replaced and reasonably distributed. The security position of the components in the heat exchanger reduces the energy loss of the defrost.