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Precautions for the use of industrial air cooler

    Now, industrial air cooler has been widely used in all kinds of work, but when the use of time arrives, there will be all kinds of small problems, in fact, we pay attention to and regularly clean up when we use, can be avoided. Here are the precautions for the use of industrial air cooler!
    Matters needing attention
    Industrial air cooler due to the application of the environment is more complex (mostly for the plant), so it is necessary to maintain, to prevent the occurrence of some accidents caused by fan quality damage, affect the operation. Maintenance of many small points, summarized as follows:
    1. a single wet curtain machine is suitable for cooling 70-100 square meters of room. If you exceed this value, the effect may not be as good, and it is easy to overwork the machine and cause problems.
    2. Before using the air cooler, check whether there are scraps of paper and dust and other sundries in the wet curtain and pool. It should be cleaned 1-2 times during the annual use period, and the water in the pool should be tap water or other clean water.
    3. The fan is the heart of the cooling fan. If there is a failure, the power should be cut off immediately and an electrician should repair it in time. Attention should be paid to the installation of grounding, the removal of impeller should be careful, so as not to make the blade deformation and box collision.
    4. If the air cooler float ball valve control fails and water shortage or overflow drip is found in the pool, it should be adjusted or replaced in time.
    5. if the wet curtain water supply is insufficient or uneven, it is necessary to check whether the water tank is short of water, whether the pump is running and whether the water supply pipeline and water pump inlet is the small hole in the spray pipe is blocked, and check whether the spray pipe is located in the middle of the wet curtain. The normal spray height can not be ignored, if the water level is too low, it is easy to burn out the machine.
    6. the air cooler in the maintenance, to turn off the power, is to cut off the power after a period of time, because long time use will produce static electricity, static electricity will not disappear after the power, so safety after maintenance.
The above is the related content of the precautions for the use of industrial air cooler, I hope to help you.