The use of the air cooler effectively maintains the circulation of air in the shed, thereby reducing odor and reducing temperature. Let's take a look at the two ways of exhausting chillers: Ningbo chiller, Ningbo chiller
First, local exhaust ventilation
Where the pollutants converge in a concentrated manner; the state of divergence is in a low aerodynamic state
For the characteristics, or pollutants such as dust, aversion, etc., need to be collected at a flow rate of 8 meters per minute, the chiller is suitable to use this ventilation control method. With this control method, a small chiller or shaft is required. The flow fan draws it out quickly.
Second, comprehensive dilution ventilation
Fully diluted ventilation requires several cooling fans or axial fans or circulating fans to continuously pump external clean air, continuously flushing the factory pollution, so that the volatilization and accumulation of air pollutants in the production process will not reach dangerous ratio or safety level. The dilution ventilation control method is suitable for the occasion where the factory air pollutants are generally divergent rather than concentrated at several original points, and also when the local divergence has escaped to the factory air.