In environmental protection products, industrial air cooler is one of them. Then how much do you need to know about the five characteristics and devices of industrial air cooler? Today, I will introduce you to the five characteristics and equipment of industrial air cooler.
1. The main characteristics of industrial air cooler (1) can be completed green environmental protection, and simply will not pollute the ambient air. In addition, the cooling effect is very obvious. For different regions, there can be an appropriate cooling range to stop the stability of temperature.
(2) From the point of view of its operating cost and investment benefit, the industrial air cooler is also very good, which can have a better investment recovery and a lower operating cost.
(3) in terms of cost, compared with the traditional air conditioning system, it can be effectively reduced, and some can be reduced to less than half.
(4) the operation of industrial air cooler is simple, the maintenance workload is less and it is easy to stop. Do not need professional maintenance personnel, but also can stop some of the simple problem disposal.
(5) in the process of operation, the noise and vibration of the industrial air cooler are small, and the body itself will not heat away from the surrounding, so as to prevent overheating.
In general, the industrial air cooler device is better than the outdoor air cooler device. If the ambient air quality is good, this is a great advantage to it. However, it can not be used in the air return mode, because it may present problems. As for the air duct, it should be prevented from long through long, and it is better to control it at 15 to 20 meters. In the use of elbow, to reduce as much as possible, and even not.