The main reason for the increase in humidity in the workshop by the air cooler is the increase in absolute temperature and moisture content. For example, when the air is cooled from point A to point B, the moisture content is increased from 20 g/kg dry air to 23.5 g/kg dry air. The increase is small but must be controlled.
In semi-enclosed or fully enclosed plants, the moisture content will increase. Therefore, the cold air that is sent in must be exhausted by the exhaust air to quickly discharge the moisture content of the air into the room.
About the method of controlling the humidity of the air cooler
If the exhaust and air intake in the workshop are not parallel, the humidity in the plant will increase due to the increased moisture content in the plant. The exhaust and intake air will be installed in parallel, but the humidity in the plant will also be controlled.
Air discharge from enclosed plants is completely limited. It relies entirely on mechanical exhaust to vent air. The semi-enclosed plant needs to be equipped with an exhaust fan model, which can control the humidity of the air cooler.