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What are the functions of each part of an industrial fan

Industrial electric fan is a type of fan used in industry, which can also be used in public places. But is the industrial fan effective during use? Perhaps for those who haven't used it before, they may not be very familiar with it. So, let's briefly introduce each part of the industrial fan:
1. Form and Design: Communicate driving force, speed, rolling speed and circular speed ratio, gear modulus ratio, shaft reference point, tooth material, and homogeneity of raw materials.
2. Production and manufacturing: precision of gear system production and manufacturing, precision of gear tooth surface, heat treatment process, hardness.
3. Gear housing (oil baffle): stiffness or strength, thermal expansion, oil volume.
4. Control standards: speed, load, vibration caused, ambient temperature, and exposure to external heat.
5. Raw material compatibility: steel, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic materials, plastics, paint coatings, etc.
The above are the functions of each part of the industrial fan, hoping to be helpful to everyone.