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Installation of negative pressure fan, should be designed how much ventilation high efficiency

In the specific use of the plant, the negative pressure air will centralize the equipment on one side of the plant, and the air intake on the other side of the plant. The gas flows into the machine through the air inlet and produces a convection of heat.

Negative pressure fan
In this process, the negative pressure fan and the aluminum doors and Windows adjacent to the fan remain closed, driving the gas into the workshop through the aluminum doors and Windows on the intake side. Gas is injected into the workshop from the air inlet in an orderly manner, flows through the workshop, and is discharged from the workshop by the negative pressure fan centrifugal fan. The ventilation rate is up to 99%. Through detailed project planning and ventilation speed and wind speed planning according to the actual demand, all the high fever, harmful substances, dust and smoke can be quickly discharged from the workshop, and all the problems of poor ventilation can be solved. The actual effect of ventilation can be reached within a few seconds after the fan is turned on.

How do you get it right by choosing the total number of installations you need?
1. First of all, you need to think that there is not a lot of pyrogen in the memory of the workshop where you want to install the negative pressure fan;
2. Is there a certain amount of smoke and dust in the workshop?
3. Whether the workshop has a good air inlet environment;
The above three points determine the number and model selection of your negative pressure fans;

Most workshops are due to poor ventilation capacity, according to the aluminum doors and Windows themselves can not achieve efficient ventilation effect; Especially in the summer, hot temperatures, the room experience is best noticeable. The key to the installation of negative pressure fan is to exhaust more polluting dust particles out of the room through the negative pressure ratio of the fan, so as to effectively improve the natural working environment and make the indoor air quality cleaner and more transparent. Generally, when installing negative pressure fans, it is crucial to fully consider the priority issues of heat and pollutants. It is proposed that the key heat and environmental pollution in the workshop be discharged out of the room at the first time, so as to improve the actual effect of ventilation. This application can effectively deal with the many problems that your company currently has in the plant, such as very serious smoke and fine dust in the air.

The actual installation site will be determined according to the site installation standard; When you are dealing with heat, smoke and dust at the same time, it is generally recommended that the ventilation efficiency is not less than the normal ventilation every three minutes; According to this high efficiency to select the total number, generally in a certain range of total, but there are also high requirements, the provision of one minute ventilation.